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Popular Screens
Top Tax Savers
Funds that help you save tax and build wealth at the same time.
362k+ users have been using this
Long Term Compounders
Funds with a long history of outperformance & a large cap bias
566k+ users have been using this
Bolder Bets
Funds with bold multicap strategies giving better returns than their peers.
91k+ users have been using this
Equity Focused Screens
Efficient Equity Picks
Funds with low expense ratios & healthy risk adjusted returns
239k+ users have been using this
Value Picks
Funds available at a better valuation than their category average & peers.
287k+ users have been using this
Consistent Out-performers
Funds with long term outperformance & low volatility
84.6k+ users have been using this
Debt Focused Screens
Liquid & Overnight Funds
Funds with high liquidity & minimal credit risk
204k+ users have been using this
High Quality Debt Portfolio
Funds with high credit quality & medium interest rate risk, ideal for an investment horizon of 3-5 years
34.6k+ users have been using this
High Yield Debt Options
Funds with credit quality on the lower side & medium interest rate risk offering highe yields
29.9k+ users have been using this
Multi-Asset Focused Screens
Hybrid Focused
Diversified investment strategies combining equity and debt
16k+ users have been using this
Balanced Investing
Balanced mutual funds for stable growth across market conditions
11.7k+ users have been using this
Multi-Asset Play
Curated funds strategically allocating investments across diverse asset classes for optimal portfolio growth
17k+ users have been using this