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TVS Holdings Ltd


TVS Holdings Ltd

Consumer DiscretionaryAuto Parts
SmallcapWith a market cap of ₹20,600 cr, stock is ranked 318
Moderate RiskStock is 2.64x as volatile as Nifty
8,948.350.41% (+36.70)
8,948.350.41% (+36.70)

Price Chart

Consumer DiscretionaryAuto Parts
SmallcapWith a market cap of ₹20,600 cr, stock is ranked 318
Moderate RiskStock is 2.64x as volatile as Nifty

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Consumer DiscretionaryAuto Parts
SmallcapWith a market cap of ₹20,600 cr, stock is ranked 318
Moderate RiskStock is 2.64x as volatile as Nifty

Key Metrics

No LabelNo LabelPB RatioPB RatioDividend YieldDiv. Yield
Sector PESector PESector PBSector PBSector Div YldSctr Div Yld

Forecast & Ratings

Detailed Forecast 
Forecast data is currently unavailable for this stock


Price Upside


Earnings Growth


Rev. Growth

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Company Profile

TVS Holdings Limited, formerly Sundaram Clayton Limited, is an India-based auto components manufacturing and distribution company.

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Balance Sheet

Cash Flow

Income Statement

Industry refers to the sub-sector this company belongs to.

Higher than Industry Revenue Growth

A higher-than-industry revenue growth represents increased potential for the company to increase their market share

Over the last 5 years, revenue has grown at a yearly rate of 13.3%, vs industry avg of 8.46%

Increasing Market Share

Market share is the percentage of an industry's total sales going to a particular company. It gives a general idea of the size of a company v/s its competitors

Over the last 5 years, market share increased from 9.84% to 12.43%

Higher than Industry Net Income

Net income is equal to net earnings (profit) less expenses. This number is an important measure of how profitable the company is

Over the last 5 years, net income has grown at a yearly rate of 13.12%, vs industry avg of 10.89%


Financial YearFY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021FY 2022FY 2023FY 2024TTM
Total Revenue13,727.4914,904.7018,052.2721,579.2619,914.9120,361.6825,676.5233,802.2040,282.0243,655.77
Raw Materialssubtract39,211.89
Power & Fuel Costsubtract
Employee Costsubtract937.931,041.731,404.471,713.411,761.021,879.052,330.163,168.983,538.73
Selling & Administrative Expensessubtract10,124.0910,988.6413,888.6216,347.1514,452.6814,695.1618,475.5823,619.1527,276.53
Operating & Other expensessubtract550.10555.011,080.951,867.062,207.352,290.472,842.004,014.935,650.35
Interest & Other Itemssubtract
Taxes & Other Itemssubtract349.30379.60502.60685.60508.09530.58743.461,363.671,986.032,286.85
Payout ratio0.

Company Updates

Annual Report and Investor Presentation updates mentioned here are as reported by the company to the exchange

Peers & Comparison

Comparing 3 stocks from 
Consumer DiscretionaryAuto Parts


StockPE RatioPE RatioPB RatioPB RatioDiv. YieldDividend Yield
TVS Holdings Ltd25.742.950.92%
Samvardhana Motherson International Ltd33.323.210.60%
Bosch Ltd32.236.661.38%
UNO Minda Ltd64.3410.760.20%

Price Comparison

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Promoter Holdings Trend

Total Promoter Holding

Increasing promoter holding is considered good and reflects management’s positive view about the future outlook

In last 6 months, promoter holding in the company has almost stayed constant

Low Pledged Promoter Holding

Lower pledged promoter holdings is considered better

Pledged promoter holdings is insignificant

Institutional Holdings Trend

Total Retail Holding

Increasing retail holding can be considered bad as it can reflect that institutions and promoters are selling their stake which is being absorbed by retail investors.

In last 3 months, retail holding in the company has almost stayed constant

Foreign Institutional Holding

Foreign Institutional Holding is quantum of stock held by foreign large-quantities-trading entities. Increasing value indicates growing support and comfort for the stock

In last 3 months, foreign institutional holding of the company has almost stayed constant

Tickertape Separator

Shareholding Pattern

Retail and OthersForeign InstitutionsOther Domestic InstitutionsMutual FundsTotal Promoter Holding74.45%8.34%1.79%2.66%12.76%

Mar 2024

Jun 2024

Sep 2024

Dec 2024

Shareholding History

SepDec '23MarJunSepDec '240.99%1.13%2.32%2.53%2.62%2.66%

Mutual Funds Holding Trend

Mutual Fund Holding

Increasing Mutual Fund holdings are generally considered good, as it reflects that fund managers are becoming more bullish about the stock

In last 3 months, mutual fund holding of the company has almost stayed constant

Top 5 Mutual Funds holding TVS Holdings Ltd

Funds (Top 5)Market-cap heldWeight3M holding changePortfolio rank
(3M change)
1.3755%1.94%-0.33%14/73 (-3)
1.3614%1.94%-0.32%13/66 (-1)
1.2202%0.92%-0.22%37/64 (-2)

Compare 3-month MF holding change on Screener

Insider Trades & Bulk Deals

Hmm, looks like there hasn't been any net deal activity in the last 6 months


Looks like this stock is not in any smallcase yet.


Dividend Trend

Dividend Yield

Dividend return is one of the most important things to be considered while investing for long term. It is the additional return on top of what investors earn through price appreciation

Current dividend yield is 0.92%. An investment of ₹1,000 in the stock is expected to generate dividend of ₹9.23 every year


Corp. Actions


Legal Orders

Upcoming Dividends

No upcoming dividends are available

Past Dividends

Cash Dividend

Ex DateEx DateApr 2, 2024

Interim | Div/Share: ₹94.00



Ex DateEx Date

Apr 2, 2024

Cash Dividend

Ex DateEx DateFeb 3, 2023

Interim | Div/Share: ₹59.00



Ex DateEx Date

Feb 3, 2023

Cash Dividend

Ex DateEx DateMar 29, 2022

Interim | Div/Share: ₹44.00



Ex DateEx Date

Mar 29, 2022

Cash Dividend

Ex DateEx DateMar 30, 2021

Interim 2
Interim 2 | Div/Share: ₹11.00



Ex DateEx Date

Mar 30, 2021

Cash Dividend

Ex DateEx DateFeb 4, 2021

Interim | Div/Share: ₹15.00



Ex DateEx Date

Feb 4, 2021

News & Opinions
TVS Holdings consolidated net profit rises 72.12% in the December 2024 quarter

Net profit of TVS Holdings rose 72.12% to Rs 386.04 crore in the quarter ended December 2024 as against Rs 224.28 crore during the previous quarter ended December 2023. Sales rose 14.41% to Rs 11131.74 crore in the quarter ended December 2024 as against Rs 9729.80 crore during the previous quarter ended December 2023. ParticularsQuarter EndedDec. 2024Dec. 2023% Var. Sales11131.749729.80 14 OPM %16.4015.83 - PBDT1289.251031.29 25 PBT1023.64787.25 30 NP386.04224.28 72 Powered by Capital Market - Live

2 weeks agoCapital Market - Live
TVS Holdings allots NCDs aggregating Rs 300 cr

TVS Holdings has allotted 30,000 Senior, Rated, Unsecured, Listed, Redeemable, Non-Convertible Debentures of the face value of Rs 1 Lakh each (NCDs) aggregating to Rs 300 crore on private placement basis. Powered by Capital Market - Live

3 weeks agoCapital Market - Live
CRISIL Ratings upgrades ratings of TVS Holdings to 'AA+' with 'stable' outlook

CRISIL Ratings said that the rating upgrade reflects the improvement in the company's debt cover, due to expected lower debt. The rating continues to factor in the healthy credit risk profile of its main subsidiary, TVS Motor Company [TVSM]. The growth momentum of TVSM will likely sustain over the medium term supported by healthy market position in the motorcycle and scooter segments. The rating continues to reflect the healthy debt cover of TVSHL, reflecting ability to raise debt, the healthy credit risk profile of TVSM and the company's major shareholding in TVSM. These strengths are partially offset by exposure to market risks and high reliance on dividends for debt servicing. Factors like increase in market value of TVSM or sharp reduction in debt levels leading to continued strong debt cover and substantial Improvement in credit risk profile of key operating subsidiary, TVSM, could lead to a positive rating action. However, a material decline in the market value of investments in TVSM on a sustained basis, or higher than expected debt levels including for supporting subsidiaries, impacting debt cover and a significant decline in the credit profile of TVSM, could be negative for the ratings of TVSHL. TVS Holdings (TVSHL) [formerly Sundaram Clayton (SCL)] was a leading manufacturer of aluminium die-casting components. Until fiscal 2007, SCL's financials included the CV brakes business. With effect from March 28, 2008, the Madras High Court approved the de-merger of the brakes business into a separate company, Wabco India Ltd. The non-brakes business (aluminium die-casting) and investments in the TVS group entities remained with SCL. During fiscal 2012, SCL restructured its businesses, hiving off the non-automotive businesses into its erstwhile subsidiary, Sundaram Investments Ltd (SIL). In August 2023, the aluminium diecasting business of SCL was demerged into a separate entity, SCL DCD and SCL was renamed as TVSHL which retained the investments in TVS Motor Company (TVSM) and real estate entity TVS Emerald (TEL). The scrip fell 2.81% to currently trade at Rs 9951.50 on the BSE. Powered by Capital Market - Live

1 month agoCapital Market - Live
TVS Holdings announces board meeting date

TVS Holdings will hold a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company on 28 January 2025.Powered by Capital Market - Live

1 month agoCapital Market - Live
TVS Holdings Ltd leads losers in 'A' group

Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals Ltd, Godfrey Phillips India Ltd, CRISIL Ltd and NLC India Ltd are among the other losers in the BSE's 'A' group today, 01 January 2025.TVS Holdings Ltd tumbled 10.40% to Rs 9476.1 at 14:46 IST.The stock was the biggest loser in the BSE's 'A' group.On the BSE, 4355 shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 424 shares in the past one month.Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals Ltd lost 5.15% to Rs 375.15. The stock was the second biggest loser in 'A' group.On the BSE, 1.08 lakh shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 34360 shares in the past one month.Godfrey Phillips India Ltd crashed 4.43% to Rs 4989.75. The stock was the third biggest loser in 'A' group.On the BSE, 6309 shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 5605 shares in the past one month.CRISIL Ltd corrected 4.06% to Rs 6413.05. The stock was the fourth biggest loser in 'A' group.On the BSE, 7948 shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 3564 shares in the past one month.NLC India Ltd dropped 3.42% to Rs 242.9. The stock was the fifth biggest loser in 'A' group.On the BSE, 97020 shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 89168 shares in the past one month.Powered by Capital Market - Live

1 month agoCapital Market - Live
TVS Holdings receives RBI approval for acquisition and change in management of Home Credit India Finance

TVS Holdings has received approval of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for the proposed direct change in control of Home Credit India Finance and consequent change in Board of Directors: - change in shareholding/control by way of transfer of 80.74%, 10.79% and 8.47% equity shares of Home Credit to TVS Holdings, PI Opportunities Fund II and STPL Trading and Services respectively; and - appointment of K Gopala Desikan as Non-Executive Director and B Sriram and Dr. Deepali Pant Joshi as Independent Directors of Home Credit. Powered by Capital Market - Live

2 months agoCapital Market - Live
TVS Holdings receives credit ratings for proposed NCDs of Rs 750 cr

TVS Holdings announced that CARE Ratings has assigned the rating CARE AA+; Stable for the company's proposed non-convertible debentures of Rs 750 crore. Powered by Capital Market - Live

2 months agoCapital Market - Live
TVS Holdings consolidated net profit rises 22.09% in the September 2024 quarter

Net profit of TVS Holdings rose 22.09% to Rs 278.27 crore in the quarter ended September 2024 as against Rs 227.92 crore during the previous quarter ended September 2023. Sales rose 8.64% to Rs 11228.49 crore in the quarter ended September 2024 as against Rs 10335.74 crore during the previous quarter ended September 2023. ParticularsQuarter EndedSep. 2024Sep. 2023% Var. Sales11228.4910335.74 9 OPM %14.9314.35 - PBDT1162.14979.22 19 PBT901.37727.68 24 NP278.27227.92 22 Powered by Capital Market - Live

3 months agoCapital Market - Live
TVS Holdings standalone net profit declines 85.01% in the September 2024 quarter

Net profit of TVS Holdings declined 85.01% to Rs 12.44 crore in the quarter ended September 2024 as against Rs 82.98 crore during the previous quarter ended September 2023. Sales declined 88.26% to Rs 56.54 crore in the quarter ended September 2024 as against Rs 481.40 crore during the previous quarter ended September 2023. ParticularsQuarter EndedSep. 2024Sep. 2023% Var. Sales56.54481.40 -88 OPM %55.3428.60 - PBDT16.79109.62 -85 PBT16.1798.38 -84 NP12.4482.98 -85 Powered by Capital Market - Live

3 months agoCapital Market - Live
Board of TVS Holdings to consider NCD issuance

The Board of TVS Holdings will meet on 23 October 2024 to consider and approve the raising of funds by way of issuance of Non-Convertible Debentures on a private placement basis in one or more tranches/series, over a period of time. Powered by Capital Market - Live

3 months agoCapital Market - Live