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Stock↓ | Date↓ | Party↓ | Category↓ | Txn. type↓ | ↓Avg. trade price (₹) | ↓Value traded (₹) | ↓Holdings change | ↓Quantity | |
Stock MISHKAMISHKA | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Saraswati SecuSaraswati Securities Private Limited Saraswati Securities Private Limited | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter Group Insider - Promoter Group | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 25.3925.39 | Deal Value 2.54L2.54L | Holdings Chg. 0.07 %0.07 % | Quantity 10.00K10.00K | |
Stock QUADFUTUREQUADFUTURE | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Jump Trading FJump Trading Financial India Private Limited Jump Trading Financial India Private Limited | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 505.56505.56 | Deal Value 11.70Cr11.70Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.77 %0.77 % | Quantity 2.31L2.31L | |
Stock QUADFUTUREQUADFUTURE | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Hrti Private LHrti Private Limited | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 510.47510.47 | Deal Value 44.00Cr44.00Cr | Holdings Chg. 2.87 %2.87 % | Quantity 8.62L8.62L | |
Stock QUADFUTUREQUADFUTURE | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Elixir Wealth Elixir Wealth Management Private Limited Elixir Wealth Management Private Limited | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 510.89510.89 | Deal Value 10.91Cr10.91Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.71 %0.71 % | Quantity 2.14L2.14L | |
Stock QUADFUTUREQUADFUTURE | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Qe Securities Qe Securities Llp | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 504.32504.32 | Deal Value 16.86Cr16.86Cr | Holdings Chg. 1.11 %1.11 % | Quantity 3.34L3.34L | |
Stock ORIENTALTLORIENTALTL | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Mahevarsh FincMahevarsh Fincon Private Limited Mahevarsh Fincon Private Limited | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 10.5510.55 | Deal Value 41.59L41.59L | Holdings Chg. 1.04 %1.04 % | Quantity 3.94L3.94L | |
Stock HBLENGINEHBLENGINE | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Graviton ReseaGraviton Research Capital Llp Graviton Research Capital Llp | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 471.62471.62 | Deal Value 102.89Cr102.89Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.79 %0.79 % | Quantity 21.82L21.82L | |
Stock ESFLESFL | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Devyani ChandrDevyani Chandrakant Doshi | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 450.33450.33 | Deal Value 20.10Cr20.10Cr | Holdings Chg. 1.80 %1.80 % | Quantity 4.46L4.46L | |
Stock CHAMUNDACHAMUNDA | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Kumar VinodKumar Vinod | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 70.0070.00 | Deal Value 52.50L52.50L | Holdings Chg. 3.75 %3.75 % | Quantity 75.00K75.00K | |
Stock ABINFRAABINFRA | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Bhavi JitendraBhavi Jitendra Sanghavi | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 99.9099.90 | Deal Value 2.50Cr2.50Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.52 %0.52 % | Quantity 2.50L2.50L | |
Stock SIKKOSIKKO | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Hiten KalyanjiHiten Kalyanji Sangoi | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 115.37115.37 | Deal Value 4.67Cr4.67Cr | Holdings Chg. 2.38 %2.38 % | Quantity 4.05L4.05L | |
Stock SIKKOSIKKO | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Karan Suresh MKaran Suresh Majithia | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 115.26115.26 | Deal Value 1.76Cr1.76Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.90 %0.90 % | Quantity 1.53L1.53L | |
Stock SIKKOSIKKO | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Nk Securities Nk Securities Research Private Limited Nk Securities Research Private Limited | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 112.55112.55 | Deal Value 1.64Cr1.64Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.86 %0.86 % | Quantity 1.46L1.46L | |
Stock ABINFRAABINFRA | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Niraj RajnikanNiraj Rajnikant Shah | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 99.8999.89 | Deal Value 2.50Cr2.50Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.52 %0.52 % | Quantity 2.50L2.50L | |
Stock SCAGROSCAGRO | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name S.n.chandak HuS.n.chandak Huf | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 19.9019.90 | Deal Value 7.76L7.76L | Holdings Chg. 0.65 %0.65 % | Quantity 39.00K39.00K | |
Stock SCAGROSCAGRO | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Rathod Manoj CRathod Manoj Chhaganlal Huf Rathod Manoj Chhaganlal Huf | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 19.9019.90 | Deal Value 27.79L27.79L | Holdings Chg. 2.33 %2.33 % | Quantity 1.40L1.40L | |
Stock QUADRANTQUADRANT | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Idbi TrusteeshIdbi Trusteeship Services Ltd Idbi Trusteeship Services Ltd | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 0.520.52 | Deal Value 1.04Cr1.04Cr | Holdings Chg. 3.27 %3.27 % | Quantity 2.00Cr2.00Cr | |
Stock NIKKIGLNIKKIGL | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Desai Rajiv BhDesai Rajiv Bhikhalal | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 18.9018.90 | Deal Value 5.67L5.67L | Holdings Chg. 0.88 %0.88 % | Quantity 30.00K30.00K | |
Stock KISANKISAN | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Apollo Pipes LApollo Pipes Limited | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 43.0343.03 | Deal Value 2.58Cr2.58Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.50 %0.50 % | Quantity 6.00L6.00L | |
Stock JETMALLJETMALL | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name KuttirajaKuttiraja | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 9.909.90 | Deal Value 3.56L3.56L | Holdings Chg. 0.60 %0.60 % | Quantity 36.00K36.00K | |
Stock COLORCHIPSCOLORCHIPS | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name B N Rathi ComtB N Rathi Comtrade Private Limited B N Rathi Comtrade Private Limited | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 31.5131.51 | Deal Value 31.51L31.51L | Holdings Chg. 0.59 %0.59 % | Quantity 1.00L1.00L | |
Stock CHOKSILACHOKSILA | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Dheeraj Kumar Dheeraj Kumar Lohia | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 136.85136.85 | Deal Value 56.41L56.41L | Holdings Chg. 0.59 %0.59 % | Quantity 41.22K41.22K | |
Stock STARPAPERSTARPAPER | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Raviraj DeveloRaviraj Developers Ltd | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 179.09179.09 | Deal Value 1.88Cr1.88Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.67 %0.67 % | Quantity 1.05L1.05L | |
Stock SIKKOSIKKO | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Shailesh DhameShailesh Dhameliya | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 115.78115.78 | Deal Value 1.43Cr1.43Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.73 %0.73 % | Quantity 1.24L1.24L | |
Stock SIKKOSIKKO | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Meet YogeshkumMeet Yogeshkumar Patel | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 114.61114.61 | Deal Value 2.55Cr2.55Cr | Holdings Chg. 1.31 %1.31 % | Quantity 2.22L2.22L | |
Stock ORIENTALTLORIENTALTL | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Sameer KishoreSameer Kishore Doshi | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 10.5810.58 | Deal Value 44.27L44.27L | Holdings Chg. 1.11 %1.11 % | Quantity 4.18L4.18L | |
Stock SUNRAJDISUNRAJDI | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Ruchira GoyalRuchira Goyal | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 12.0812.08 | Deal Value 6.04L6.04L | Holdings Chg. 0.94 %0.94 % | Quantity 50.00K50.00K | |
Stock RRETAILRRETAIL | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Rajmish TradeRajmish Traders Llp | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 9.989.98 | Deal Value 9.69L9.69L | Holdings Chg. 0.19 %0.19 % | Quantity 97.08K97.08K | |
Stock RGRLRGRL | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Goswami VandanGoswami Vandanaben Shaileshpuri Goswami Vandanaben Shaileshpuri | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 6.966.96 | Deal Value 38.38L38.38L | Holdings Chg. 6.10 %6.10 % | Quantity 5.51L5.51L | |
Stock PRATIKPRATIK | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Shivani AchyutShivani Achyutrao Hange | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 7.217.21 | Deal Value 24.73L24.73L | Holdings Chg. 0.54 %0.54 % | Quantity 3.43L3.43L | |
Stock PRATIKPRATIK | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Sushil Kumar PSushil Kumar Pujari | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 7.217.21 | Deal Value 28.84L28.84L | Holdings Chg. 0.63 %0.63 % | Quantity 4.00L4.00L | |
Stock ONIXSOLARONIXSOLAR | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Kanta Devi SamKanta Devi Samdaria | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 471.75471.75 | Deal Value 85.86L85.86L | Holdings Chg. 0.92 %0.92 % | Quantity 18.20K18.20K | |
Stock MURAEMURAE | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Hitesh SinghHitesh Singh | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 1.931.93 | Deal Value 57.90L57.90L | Holdings Chg. 1.19 %1.19 % | Quantity 30.00L30.00L | |
Stock MURAEMURAE | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Hitesh SinghHitesh Singh | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 1.941.94 | Deal Value 1.55Cr1.55Cr | Holdings Chg. 3.16 %3.16 % | Quantity 80.00L80.00L | |
Stock MISHKAMISHKA | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Everyday InfraEveryday Infrastructure Private Limited Everyday Infrastructure Private Limited | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 25.3525.35 | Deal Value 29.23L29.23L | Holdings Chg. 0.80 %0.80 % | Quantity 1.15L1.15L | |
Stock JETMALLJETMALL | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Nilesh Sunil RNilesh Sunil Rupvate | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 9.909.90 | Deal Value 2.97L2.97L | Holdings Chg. 0.50 %0.50 % | Quantity 30.00K30.00K | |
Stock CUPIDTRCUPIDTR | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Growth SecuritGrowth Securities Private Limited Growth Securities Private Limited | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 126.25126.25 | Deal Value 6.31L6.31L | Holdings Chg. 0.52 %0.52 % | Quantity 5.00K5.00K | |
Stock CUPIDTRCUPIDTR | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Dhankalash DisDhankalash Distributors Private Limited Dhankalash Distributors Private Limited | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 126.25126.25 | Deal Value 6.31L6.31L | Holdings Chg. 0.52 %0.52 % | Quantity 5.00K5.00K | |
Stock CLARACLARA | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Sherwood SecurSherwood Securities Pvt Ltd Sherwood Securities Pvt Ltd | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 26.1126.11 | Deal Value 58.51L58.51L | Holdings Chg. 1.08 %1.08 % | Quantity 2.24L2.24L | |
Stock CHOKSILACHOKSILA | Date 11-Feb-202511-Feb-2025 | Party Name Emkay CommerciEmkay Commercial Company Limited Emkay Commercial Company Limited | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 137.17137.17 | Deal Value 1.25Cr1.25Cr | Holdings Chg. 1.31 %1.31 % | Quantity 91.00K91.00K | |