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Stock↓ | Date↓ | Party↓ | Category↓ | Txn. type↓ | ↓Avg. trade price (₹) | ↓Value traded (₹) | ↓Holdings change | ↓Quantity | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 30-Dec-202430-Dec-2024 | Party Name Parsana VirajParsana Viraj | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 13.2413.24 | Deal Value 6.62L6.62L | Holdings Chg. 0.69 %0.69 % | Quantity 50.00K50.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 17-Dec-202417-Dec-2024 | Party Name Sudhir AgarwalSudhir Agarwal | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 10.7910.79 | Deal Value 5.39L5.39L | Holdings Chg. 0.69 %0.69 % | Quantity 50.00K50.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 21-Feb-202421-Feb-2024 | Party Name Kavita AgarwalKavita Agarwal | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 19.0019.00 | Deal Value 10.45L10.45L | Holdings Chg. 0.76 %0.76 % | Quantity 55.00K55.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 21-Feb-202421-Feb-2024 | Party Name Kavita AgarwalKavita Agarwal | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 18.6218.62 | Deal Value 18.62L18.62L | Holdings Chg. 1.38 %1.38 % | Quantity 1.00L1.00L | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 20-Feb-202420-Feb-2024 | Party Name Vittala VijayaVittala Vijaya Lakshmi | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 18.2718.27 | Deal Value 9.87L9.87L | Holdings Chg. 0.74 %0.74 % | Quantity 54.00K54.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 20-Feb-202420-Feb-2024 | Party Name Kavita AgarwalKavita Agarwal | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 18.1618.16 | Deal Value 8.17L8.17L | Holdings Chg. 0.62 %0.62 % | Quantity 45.00K45.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 15-Feb-202415-Feb-2024 | Party Name Kavita AgarwalKavita Agarwal | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 19.7319.73 | Deal Value 12.65L12.65L | Holdings Chg. 0.88 %0.88 % | Quantity 64.13K64.13K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 08-Feb-202408-Feb-2024 | Party Name Usha Rani VithUsha Rani Vithala | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 20.5020.50 | Deal Value 2.05L2.05L | Holdings Chg. 0.14 %0.14 % | Quantity 10.00K10.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 08-Feb-202408-Feb-2024 | Party Name Usha Rani VithUsha Rani Vithala | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 20.3520.35 | Deal Value 7.96L7.96L | Holdings Chg. 0.54 %0.54 % | Quantity 39.10K39.10K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 02-Feb-202402-Feb-2024 | Party Name Mallanna LakshMallanna Lakshminarayana | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 19.3319.33 | Deal Value 9.86L9.86L | Holdings Chg. 0.70 %0.70 % | Quantity 51.00K51.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 02-Feb-202402-Feb-2024 | Party Name Madhavi PandeyMadhavi Pandey | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 19.3319.33 | Deal Value 9.71L9.71L | Holdings Chg. 0.69 %0.69 % | Quantity 50.22K50.22K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 27-Oct-202327-Oct-2023 | Party Name Alka AgarwalAlka Agarwal | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 11.4011.40 | Deal Value 4.56L4.56L | Holdings Chg. 0.55 %0.55 % | Quantity 40.00K40.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 02-Aug-202302-Aug-2023 | Party Name Nirbharant AgaNirbharant Agarwal | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 12.3712.37 | Deal Value 4.95L4.95L | Holdings Chg. 0.55 %0.55 % | Quantity 40.00K40.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 09-Oct-201309-Oct-2013 | Party Name Ashesh AgarwalAshesh Agarwal | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 50.1550.15 | Deal Value 20.24L20.24L | Holdings Chg. 0.56 %0.56 % | Quantity 40.36K40.36K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 04-Oct-201304-Oct-2013 | Party Name Shrutipriya DaShrutipriya Dalmia | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 52.3052.30 | Deal Value 20.92L20.92L | Holdings Chg. 0.55 %0.55 % | Quantity 40.00K40.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 04-Oct-201304-Oct-2013 | Party Name Sudhanshu TrivSudhanshu Trivedi | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 52.3152.31 | Deal Value 20.92L20.92L | Holdings Chg. 0.55 %0.55 % | Quantity 40.00K40.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 04-Oct-201304-Oct-2013 | Party Name Shalini TrivedShalini Trivedi | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 52.3252.32 | Deal Value 24.29L24.29L | Holdings Chg. 0.64 %0.64 % | Quantity 46.42K46.42K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 11-Sep-201311-Sep-2013 | Party Name Shashwat AgarwShashwat Agarwal | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 44.2544.25 | Deal Value 20.89L20.89L | Holdings Chg. 0.65 %0.65 % | Quantity 47.20K47.20K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 04-Sep-201304-Sep-2013 | Party Name Vimal Kumar JaVimal Kumar Jain Huf | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.0041.00 | Deal Value 20.50L20.50L | Holdings Chg. 0.69 %0.69 % | Quantity 50.00K50.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 04-Sep-201304-Sep-2013 | Party Name Ashesh AgarwalAshesh Agarwal | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 40.5540.55 | Deal Value 20.27L20.27L | Holdings Chg. 0.69 %0.69 % | Quantity 50.00K50.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 04-Sep-201304-Sep-2013 | Party Name Deepak Kumar ADeepak Kumar Agarwal | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 40.1540.15 | Deal Value 20.07L20.07L | Holdings Chg. 0.69 %0.69 % | Quantity 50.00K50.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 03-Sep-201303-Sep-2013 | Party Name Deepak Kumar ADeepak Kumar Agarwal | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 42.0042.00 | Deal Value 16.80L16.80L | Holdings Chg. 0.55 %0.55 % | Quantity 40.00K40.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 30-Aug-201330-Aug-2013 | Party Name Puja JainPuja Jain | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 37.6037.60 | Deal Value 18.80L18.80L | Holdings Chg. 0.69 %0.69 % | Quantity 50.00K50.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 22-Aug-201322-Aug-2013 | Party Name Ritesh Kumar JRitesh Kumar Jain | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 35.5135.51 | Deal Value 17.75L17.75L | Holdings Chg. 0.69 %0.69 % | Quantity 50.00K50.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 14-Aug-201314-Aug-2013 | Party Name Lalita Devi JaLalita Devi Jain | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 33.5033.50 | Deal Value 16.75L16.75L | Holdings Chg. 0.69 %0.69 % | Quantity 50.00K50.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 13-Aug-201313-Aug-2013 | Party Name Big Brokers HoBig Brokers House Stocks Limited Big Brokers House Stocks Limited | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 36.8036.80 | Deal Value 18.40L18.40L | Holdings Chg. 0.69 %0.69 % | Quantity 50.00K50.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 13-Aug-201313-Aug-2013 | Party Name Ritu JainRitu Jain | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 36.8036.80 | Deal Value 17.62L17.62L | Holdings Chg. 0.66 %0.66 % | Quantity 47.87K47.87K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 13-Aug-201313-Aug-2013 | Party Name Cityon InfrastCityon Infrastructure Private Limited Cityon Infrastructure Private Limited | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 36.8036.80 | Deal Value 28.54L28.54L | Holdings Chg. 1.07 %1.07 % | Quantity 77.55K77.55K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 07-Aug-201307-Aug-2013 | Party Name Cityon InfrastCityon Infrastructure Private Limited Cityon Infrastructure Private Limited | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 34.7834.78 | Deal Value 23.38L23.38L | Holdings Chg. 0.93 %0.93 % | Quantity 67.24K67.24K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 06-Aug-201306-Aug-2013 | Party Name Ashis Kumar GhAshis Kumar Ghosh | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 34.5034.50 | Deal Value 13.80L13.80L | Holdings Chg. 0.55 %0.55 % | Quantity 40.00K40.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 06-Aug-201306-Aug-2013 | Party Name Jharna GhoshJharna Ghosh | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 34.5034.50 | Deal Value 14.41L14.41L | Holdings Chg. 0.58 %0.58 % | Quantity 41.77K41.77K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 06-Aug-201306-Aug-2013 | Party Name Cityon InfrastCityon Infrastructure Private Limited Cityon Infrastructure Private Limited | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 34.5034.50 | Deal Value 17.25L17.25L | Holdings Chg. 0.69 %0.69 % | Quantity 50.00K50.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 06-Aug-201306-Aug-2013 | Party Name Bansal SupplieBansal Suppliers Private Ltd Bansal Suppliers Private Ltd | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 34.5034.50 | Deal Value 17.25L17.25L | Holdings Chg. 0.69 %0.69 % | Quantity 50.00K50.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 05-Aug-201305-Aug-2013 | Party Name Bansal SupplieBansal Suppliers Private Ltd Bansal Suppliers Private Ltd | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 31.5531.55 | Deal Value 11.59L11.59L | Holdings Chg. 0.51 %0.51 % | Quantity 36.75K36.75K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 05-Aug-201305-Aug-2013 | Party Name Cityon InfrastCityon Infrastructure Private Limited Cityon Infrastructure Private Limited | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 31.1031.10 | Deal Value 15.55L15.55L | Holdings Chg. 0.69 %0.69 % | Quantity 50.00K50.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 05-Aug-201305-Aug-2013 | Party Name Kanika JainKanika Jain | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 32.5032.50 | Deal Value 16.25L16.25L | Holdings Chg. 0.69 %0.69 % | Quantity 50.00K50.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 01-Aug-201301-Aug-2013 | Party Name Kamal Kumar JaKamal Kumar Jain Huf | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 30.0030.00 | Deal Value 15.00L15.00L | Holdings Chg. 0.69 %0.69 % | Quantity 50.00K50.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 31-Jul-201331-Jul-2013 | Party Name Kamal Kumar JaKamal Kumar Jain | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 27.7327.73 | Deal Value 13.87L13.87L | Holdings Chg. 0.69 %0.69 % | Quantity 50.00K50.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 30-Jul-201330-Jul-2013 | Party Name Vimal Kumar JaVimal Kumar Jain | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 27.6927.69 | Deal Value 13.85L13.85L | Holdings Chg. 0.69 %0.69 % | Quantity 50.00K50.00K | |
Stock RICHUNVRICHUNV | Date 08-Jan-201308-Jan-2013 | Party Name Kamal Kumar JaKamal Kumar Jain Huf | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 30.0030.00 | Deal Value 15.00L15.00L | Holdings Chg. 0.69 %0.69 % | Quantity 50.00K50.00K | |