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Stock↓ | Date↓ | Party↓ | Category↓ | Txn. type↓ | ↓Avg. trade price (₹) | ↓Value traded (₹) | ↓Holdings change | ↓Quantity | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 12-Jun-202412-Jun-2024 | Party Name Prakash H. BhuPrakash H. Bhuta | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter Group Insider - Promoter Group | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 804.79804.79 | Deal Value 1.65Cr1.65Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.46 %0.46 % | Quantity 20.47K20.47K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 22-Mar-202422-Mar-2024 | Party Name Prakash BhutaPrakash Bhuta | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter Group Insider - Promoter Group | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 702.21702.21 | Deal Value 41.65L41.65L | Holdings Chg. 0.13 %0.13 % | Quantity 5.93K5.93K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 07-Jul-202307-Jul-2023 | Party Name Mahesh H BhutaMahesh H Bhuta | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter Group Insider - Promoter Group | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 716.05716.05 | Deal Value 7.16L7.16L | Holdings Chg. 0.02 %0.02 % | Quantity 1.00K1.00K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 06-Jan-202306-Jan-2023 | Party Name Jenburkt PharmJenburkt Pharmaceuticals Ltd Jenburkt Pharmaceuticals Ltd | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 649.97649.97 | Deal Value 3.06Cr3.06Cr | Holdings Chg. 1.02 %1.02 % | Quantity 47.04K47.04K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 25-Aug-202025-Aug-2020 | Party Name Aries StocktraAries Stocktrades Pvt Ltd Ac Pms Aries Stocktrades Pvt Ltd Ac Pms | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 410.39410.39 | Deal Value 1.07Cr1.07Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.57 %0.57 % | Quantity 26.00K26.00K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 25-Nov-201925-Nov-2019 | Party Name Bhuta HoldingsBhuta Holdings Pvt Ltd | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 427.60427.60 | Deal Value 10.59L10.59L | Holdings Chg. 0.05 %0.05 % | Quantity 2.48K2.48K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 26-Sep-201926-Sep-2019 | Party Name Bhuta HoldingsBhuta Holdings Private Ltd Bhuta Holdings Private Ltd | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter Group Insider - Promoter Group | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 434.85434.85 | Deal Value 10.04L10.04L | Holdings Chg. 0.05 %0.05 % | Quantity 2.31K2.31K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 14-Jun-201914-Jun-2019 | Party Name Ashish R ShahAshish R Shah | Category Insider - KMPInsider - KMP | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 517.52517.52 | Deal Value 10.22L10.22L | Holdings Chg. 0.04 %0.04 % | Quantity 1.97K1.97K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 08-Feb-201808-Feb-2018 | Party Name Ketan JayantilKetan Jayantilal Karani Huf Ketan Jayantilal Karani Huf | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 540.50540.50 | Deal Value 1.41Cr1.41Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.56 %0.56 % | Quantity 26.00K26.00K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 08-Feb-201808-Feb-2018 | Party Name Trupti Ketan KTrupti Ketan Karani | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 540.50540.50 | Deal Value 1.41Cr1.41Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.56 %0.56 % | Quantity 26.00K26.00K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 20-Dec-201720-Dec-2017 | Party Name Ashish R ShahAshish R Shah | Category Insider - OtherInsider - Other | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 552.29552.29 | Deal Value 16.02L16.02L | Holdings Chg. 0.06 %0.06 % | Quantity 2.90K2.90K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 08-Dec-201708-Dec-2017 | Party Name Ashish R ShahAshish R Shah | Category Insider - OtherInsider - Other | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 532.90532.90 | Deal Value 17.56L17.56L | Holdings Chg. 0.07 %0.07 % | Quantity 3.29K3.29K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 24-Oct-201724-Oct-2017 | Party Name Rajasthan GlobRajasthan Global Securities Private Limited Rajasthan Global Securities Private Limited | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 465.00465.00 | Deal Value 1.11Cr1.11Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.51 %0.51 % | Quantity 23.89K23.89K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 05-Sep-201705-Sep-2017 | Party Name Girik Wealth AGirik Wealth Advisors Private Limited Deep Value Pms Girik Wealth Advisors Private Limited Deep Value Pms | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 433.26433.26 | Deal Value 1.33Cr1.33Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.66 %0.66 % | Quantity 30.79K30.79K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 04-Aug-201704-Aug-2017 | Party Name Mahesh H BhutaMahesh H Bhuta | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 495.00495.00 | Deal Value 21.97L21.97L | Holdings Chg. 0.10 %0.10 % | Quantity 4.44K4.44K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 29-Jul-201729-Jul-2017 | Party Name Mahesh H BhutaMahesh H Bhuta | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 500.00500.00 | Deal Value 83.00L83.00L | Holdings Chg. 0.36 %0.36 % | Quantity 16.60K16.60K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 21-Jul-201721-Jul-2017 | Party Name Mahesh H BhutaMahesh H Bhuta | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 518.00518.00 | Deal Value 15.54L15.54L | Holdings Chg. 0.06 %0.06 % | Quantity 3.00K3.00K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 19-Jul-201719-Jul-2017 | Party Name Ashish R ShahAshish R Shah | Category Insider - OtherInsider - Other | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 510.60510.60 | Deal Value 11.41L11.41L | Holdings Chg. 0.05 %0.05 % | Quantity 2.23K2.23K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 16-Jun-201716-Jun-2017 | Party Name Jagruti BhutaJagruti Bhuta | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 507.41507.41 | Deal Value 6.30L6.30L | Holdings Chg. 0.03 %0.03 % | Quantity 1.24K1.24K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 16-Jun-201716-Jun-2017 | Party Name Ketan H BhutaKetan H Bhuta | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 502.68502.68 | Deal Value 4.67L4.67L | Holdings Chg. 0.02 %0.02 % | Quantity 930.00930.00 | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 09-Jun-201709-Jun-2017 | Party Name Jagruti BhutaJagruti Bhuta | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 249.54249.54 | Deal Value 9.45L9.45L | Holdings Chg. 0.08 %0.08 % | Quantity 3.79K3.79K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 09-Jun-201709-Jun-2017 | Party Name Jagruti BhutaJagruti Bhuta | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 242.88242.88 | Deal Value 3.01L3.01L | Holdings Chg. 0.03 %0.03 % | Quantity 1.24K1.24K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 09-Jun-201709-Jun-2017 | Party Name Riddhi ShroffRiddhi Shroff | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 513.92513.92 | Deal Value 25.70L25.70L | Holdings Chg. 0.11 %0.11 % | Quantity 5.00K5.00K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 06-Apr-201706-Apr-2017 | Party Name Riddhi ShroffRiddhi Shroff | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 475.10475.10 | Deal Value 14.25L14.25L | Holdings Chg. 0.06 %0.06 % | Quantity 3.00K3.00K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 04-Nov-201604-Nov-2016 | Party Name Aries StocktraAries Stocktrades Pvt Ltd Ac Pms Aries Stocktrades Pvt Ltd Ac Pms | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 566.67566.67 | Deal Value 1.34Cr1.34Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.51 %0.51 % | Quantity 23.59K23.59K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 05-Aug-201605-Aug-2016 | Party Name Bhuta HoldingsBhuta Holdings Pvt Ltd | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 379.27379.27 | Deal Value 10.22L10.22L | Holdings Chg. 0.06 %0.06 % | Quantity 2.69K2.69K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 29-Jun-201629-Jun-2016 | Party Name Bhuta HoldingsBhuta Holdings Pvt Ltd | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 391.51391.51 | Deal Value 10.59L10.59L | Holdings Chg. 0.06 %0.06 % | Quantity 2.71K2.71K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 17-Jun-201617-Jun-2016 | Party Name Riddhi ShroffRiddhi Shroff | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 401.38401.38 | Deal Value 18.06L18.06L | Holdings Chg. 0.10 %0.10 % | Quantity 4.50K4.50K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 20-Apr-201620-Apr-2016 | Party Name Riddhi ShroffRiddhi Shroff | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 472.63472.63 | Deal Value 23.63L23.63L | Holdings Chg. 0.11 %0.11 % | Quantity 5.00K5.00K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 18-Apr-201618-Apr-2016 | Party Name Riddhi ShroffRiddhi Shroff | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 472.80472.80 | Deal Value 20.75L20.75L | Holdings Chg. 0.09 %0.09 % | Quantity 4.39K4.39K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 10-Apr-201610-Apr-2016 | Party Name Riddhi ShroffRiddhi Shroff | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 485.00485.00 | Deal Value 10.60L10.60L | Holdings Chg. 0.05 %0.05 % | Quantity 2.19K2.19K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 01-Mar-201601-Mar-2016 | Party Name Bhuta HoldingsBhuta Holdings Pvt Ltd | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 397.95397.95 | Deal Value 10.27L10.27L | Holdings Chg. 0.06 %0.06 % | Quantity 2.58K2.58K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 22-Jan-201622-Jan-2016 | Party Name Jagruti BhutaJagruti Bhuta | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 392.48392.48 | Deal Value 12.57L12.57L | Holdings Chg. 0.07 %0.07 % | Quantity 3.20K3.20K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 20-Jan-201620-Jan-2016 | Party Name Bhuta HoldingsBhuta Holdings Pvt Ltd | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 400.68400.68 | Deal Value 12.84L12.84L | Holdings Chg. 0.07 %0.07 % | Quantity 3.21K3.21K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 06-Jan-201606-Jan-2016 | Party Name Bhuta HoldingsBhuta Holdings Pvt Ltd | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 444.87444.87 | Deal Value 11.09L11.09L | Holdings Chg. 0.05 %0.05 % | Quantity 2.49K2.49K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 31-Dec-201531-Dec-2015 | Party Name Bhuta HoldingsBhuta Holdings Pvt Ltd | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 470.02470.02 | Deal Value 12.33L12.33L | Holdings Chg. 0.06 %0.06 % | Quantity 2.62K2.62K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 07-Aug-201507-Aug-2015 | Party Name Ketan H BhutaKetan H Bhuta | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 515.99515.99 | Deal Value 10.48L10.48L | Holdings Chg. 0.04 %0.04 % | Quantity 2.03K2.03K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 31-Jul-201531-Jul-2015 | Party Name Ketan H BhutaKetan H Bhuta | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 432.48432.48 | Deal Value 11.46L11.46L | Holdings Chg. 0.06 %0.06 % | Quantity 2.65K2.65K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 17-Jul-201517-Jul-2015 | Party Name Ketan H BhutaKetan H Bhuta | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 423.00423.00 | Deal Value 10.22L10.22L | Holdings Chg. 0.05 %0.05 % | Quantity 2.42K2.42K | |
Stock JENBURPHJENBURPH | Date 26-Jun-201526-Jun-2015 | Party Name Ketan H BhutaKetan H Bhuta | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 405.92405.92 | Deal Value 10.26L10.26L | Holdings Chg. 0.05 %0.05 % | Quantity 2.53K2.53K | |